Useful information for foreigners

Migration risk countries

Migration risk countries are countries where military operations are taking place countrieor with a bad economic situation.

Each state has its own list of high migration risk countries which may differ from lists of other states.

In Russia there are state restrictions in obtaining work permit and employment for citizens of such countries.

The following the list of migration risk countries is relevant to the present in Russia (it is regularly updated depending on the changing situation in the world and Russia's relations with other countries).


The migration risk countries
Albania Cape Verde Nicaragua
Algeria Cambodia Oman
Angola Cameroon Pakistan
Antigua and Barbuda Qatar Palestine
Afghanistan Kenya Paraguay
Bangladesh China Chad
Barbados Colombia Rwanda
Belize Comoros Saudi Arabia
Benin Congo Seychelles
Bolivia North Korea Senegal
Botswana Cote de Ivoire Syria
Brunei Darussalam Kuwait Somalia
Burkina Faso Laos Sudan
Burundi Lesotho Suriname
Vietnam Liberia Sierra Leone
Gabon Lebanon Thailand
Guyana Libya Tanzania
Gambia Mauritius Togo
Ghana Mauritania Tonga
Guinea Madagascar Trinidad and Tobago
Guinea Bissau Macedonia Tunisia
Honduras Malawi Turkey
Georgia Malaysia Uganda
Djibouti Mali Uruguay
Egypt Maldives Fiji
Zambia Malta Philippines
Zimbabwe Morocco Sri Lanka
India Mozambique Equatorial Guinea
Indonesia Myanmar Eritrea
Iraq Namibia Ethiopia
Iran Nepal Jamaica
Yemen Nigeria Jordan

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China Unicom
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MigAdvisor - Migration services

  +7 (495) 532-52-41

  Russia, Moscow,
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